
Multi-track Mixing Gigs.

Please read carefully the description down below.

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How to place order ?

All your tracks must be well positioned on time with a well-defined name (During Mixing any track(piste) will be timely adjusts)


To preparing your tracks for mixing it’s recommend to :

  • Send only the tracks you want to be mixed
  • Clean up your tracks
  • Apply Pitch and time correction
  • Label your tracks clearly!

You should not exceed your mixing track number ordered.


Now you are ready to send your project :

  1. Create a zip file with your well named exported tracks then get a download link. You can use “Wetransfer”.
  2. Refer your download and reference song link into the “Additional information” section of the order during the checkout.
  3. If needed you can add a Single, EP or Album Mastering according to your mixing product in order to get your song ready for distribution
  4. Place Order


Additional information

Additional information


Voice With Instrumental, 30 Tracks, 50 Tracks, 80 Tracks, Ep 6 Songs 80 Tracks, Album 10 Songs 80 Tracks

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